Why Invest?


Perhaps more than any other event in your lifetime, your wedding is one day where everything from flowers to favors is a chance to showcase your own personal style. Your first dance together as husband and wife is likewise designed to usher in a new life filled with hope and promise, and should be as unique and memorable as you are. This is your chance to enter into the soundtrack of your wedding, and we’re not talking about a fill-in-the-blank children’s song. Your MelodyWriter (songwriter), with the help of a personal interview as well as our trademark Melody Questionnaire, will craft a song that is real and written specifically for and about your relationship.

Over 2 million couples get married every year in the United States alone. Of those two million, only 8% have “their song” like in the movies. That means 92% of couples don’t have a special song that is just for them. MelodyWed™ aims to give every couple the gift of having “our song” and have it express the uniqueness of their relationship and love. Every relationship has its own story. Let MelodyWed™ tell yours in a song that paints a beautiful picture of the two of you as you join together to become one.

According to a UC Davis study, there is a part of our brain that associates music and memories. Specifically, your brain ties together emotionally important moments with the music playing during that time, and when you hear the song again, you are able to experience those memories again. What better moment than your wedding day to associate the music of your life with the music of your love?

What does YOUR love sound like?™